No-Bleed Pluot
This design was developed as a part of my Plumb National hybrid series. My ambassador, John Grace, kept insisting that having a separate hatchet for no-bleed bullseye's was becoming more and more common, but that switching between "different feeling" axes was throwing people off. So I took the original Pluot and shaved the blade down to 3" but also added flairs to the cheeks of the axe in order to keep the weight as close as possible to the original Pluot.
The design weights are within 0.1 ounces according to Fusion 360, but because I finish these by hand and because there are variations between castings and between handle densities I can't absolutely guarantee the weights will be identical. They will be dang close. If it's super important to you to be as close as possible, I can cherry pick a head from the available supply to match your Pluot. If you've already ordered your Pluot, you'll need to message me with the head weight so I can add it to my production notes.
By default, this axe comes with a single handle. Additional handles can be purchased here.
As an Infinity Axes special, this design incorporates a pinned handle design that allows for rapid replacement of handles. The socket measures 1.25 inches x 0.75 inches with 1/4 inch radius corners. You can choose to purchase additional handles with your axe head. Regardless of choice we will also include a high strength roll-pin that will require the use of a punch to insert / remove. The hole for the roll pins is 1/4inch in diameter, in our experience the roll pin, provides the best balance of strength and ease of replacement.
Please remember that when you place an order, you are getting in the production queue. Expect 3-8 weeks for delivery. Feel free to contact me directly for a better estimate on the timeline.